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Contest seeks obscene Web sites

Posted November. 06, 2000 14:26,   


A unique event is to be held in the middle of this month to expel obscene Internet sites under the title of "Hunting Championship Against Obscene Internet Sites."

The Kwangju District Prosecutor`s Office, led by chief prosecutor Chung Hong-Won, will hold the contest to check obscene Internet sites Nov. 15-30 throughout the nation with prize money at stake -- 500,000 won for the winner, 300,000 won for the runner-up and 200,000 won for the second runner-up.

The event is aimed at heightening public awareness about obscene contents on the Internet, an official of the prosecutor`s office said Monday.

Applicants only have to e-mail to the operator of the event (webmaster@kjdci.sppo.go.kr) the domain addresses and contents of the Web sites showing obscene or bizarre motion pictures and stories. Applicants also are required to send how to search for such Web sites they found.

The prosecutor`s office plans to demand the operators of sites that are found to be problematic through the contest to close them or delete obscene contents. The names of the operators whose sites` contents are serious enough to violate related laws will be notified to the prosecutor`s office in their regions for investigation.

"The standards of the expression of recent obscene contents on the Internet are beyond the imagination of ordinary people," chief prosecutor Chung said. "I hope that the contest will become a good occasion to help people realize the seriousness of obscene cyber contents and to protect our young people from them."