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Koreans use 2 or more e-mail addresses

Posted November. 06, 2000 13:37,   


Most Korean Netizens have more than two e-mail addresses, but they actually use one or two, and more people use e-mail for personal purposes rather than business ones.

This was revealed by the November edition of "Simmani Life," a monthly Internet guide magazine published by Internet search portal Simmani (www.simmani.com), which surveyed a total of 17,992 e-mail users.

The survey showed that those who own two or more e-mail addresses account for 85.6 percent of the total, and 25 percent of them said they have six or more. But 72.8 percent of the total use only one or two e-mail addresses, indicating that the number of subscribers announced by each portal service provider is considerably inflated.

As for the purpose of using e-mail, 32.2 percent of those surveyed said "acquisition of information" through e-mail magazines, followed by 32.1 percent using e-mails for sending greetings to others, 19.2 percent for social life, and 11.7 percent for sending congratulatory messages. Those who use e-mail for business purposes posted only 11.7 percent.

The result of the survey coincides with the outcome of the latest poll conducted by NetValue, an Internet survey agency, that domestic Internet surfers frequently use the Internet in the fields of entertainment such as audio and video services, while fewer use the Internet for business purposes, compared with the people of other Asian countries.