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UNC, NK discuss negotiating rights in DMZ

Posted November. 06, 2000 19:58,   


The United Nations Command (UNC) and North Korea held a meeting of their chief secretaries at the conference room of the Military Armistice Committee at the truce village of Panmunjom on Monday to discuss the UNC's delegation of negotiating rights to the Korean Armed Forces in the Demilitarized Zone with regard to the connection of the Kyongui (Seoul-Shinuiju) Railway and its adjacent highway.

During the meeting, the UNC side reportedly asked the North to comply with the inter-Korean military commission contact as soon as possible in order to discuss concrete measures in this regard, since the UNC delegated its negotiating rights to the South Korean military authorities.

Monday's UNC-NK contact was made at the request of the North Korean side which demanded a clear guarantee from the UNC on the delegation of rights to the South Korean military. It was unclear what kind of rights they wanted delegated to the South.

Hwang Yoo-Seong yshwang@donga.com