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Quotations of the day

Posted November. 03, 2000 19:12,   


Entrusting the irregularity-ridden Financial Supervisory Service with the job of blacklisting nonviable companies for reform or liquidation is like leaving fish to the mercy of a cat. (The Korean Federation of Labor Unions Friday during a mass rally in front of the FSS building in Yoido, calling for a halt to the FSS¡¯ one-sided bid for corporate restructuring.)

If the Chung family goes so far as to give their entire fortune to rescue the Hyundai group, we will be ready to work with the Chungs on the basis of an epochal vision and plan. So we want them to prepare themselves. (An employee of Hyundai Engineering and Construction Friday in a message posted on his union¡¯s Internet bulletin board.)

The stock market is hoping that the ousting of insolvent businesses from the corporate sector will prove to be a "temporary impact." (SK Securities research fellow Hyon Jeong-Hwan Friday, predicting the consequences of the blacklisting of insolvent companies.)

Taiwan¡¯s semiconductor industry is not in a favorable position to compete with that of rival countries on account of two major weaknesses-- earthquakes and power shortages. (Ileun Securities Co. Friday in its report on the aftermath of a recent power outage in Taiwan.)

As things stand, it is just a matter of time before homegrown horses prevail over imported horses. (A Korea Racing Association official Friday, pointing to the rapidly improving prowess of the local breed of racehorses.)

In order to prevent damage by land mines, often described as "silent killers," South and North Korea should join in removing them from the adjoining areas of the armistice line. (Rep. Kim Seong-Ho in a brochure he compiled and published Friday on the state of land mines in and around the Demilitarized Zone and measures to remove them.)