North Korea and the United States started missile talks on Wednesday in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, exchanging views on the North's suspension of long-range missile development in exchange for the U.S. assistance for commercial satellite launches for North Korea, and the North's halt to its exports of medium-range missiles and the related U.S. compensation for it, it was disclosed.
As for the long-range missile issue, the two sides got down to discussions on the substance of the question. The U.S. side inquired into the North's concrete conditions with regard to the number of its substitute satellite launches and the related technology transfer in return for North Korea's abandonment long-range missile development.
However, regarding the medium-range missile issue, the two sides came up with different positions with the North's demand for substantial economic compensation equivalent to cash payment in return for its missile exports suspension and the U.S. proposition for granting indirect economic assistance through the pertinent international organizations.