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Inter-Korean power cooperation to be promoted

Posted October. 30, 2000 20:27,   


In order to improve infrastructure in North Korea and secure resources, the government has decided to promote cooperation in the electric supply sector specifically to raise the North's industrial operational rate and overcome the energy shortage.

According to data submitted by the Unification Ministry for parliamentary inspection on Monday, the ministry had proposed that the South supply anthracite coal to the North for use at its thermal power plants, and either restore worn-out power facilities or repair idle power facilities.

The ministry said that Seoul will promote projects that benefit both sides on a gradual basis, in view of the South's capability and the North's accommodation conditions, as part of inter-Korean economic cooperation. The concrete plans and the amount of the funds required will be decided in consultation with the North in the course of bilateral economic talks, the ministry disclosed.

Meanwhile, the government plans to connect the inter-Korea telecommunications networks and expand telecommunications facilities in the North. For example, linking the networks with light-water reactors construction sites and Mount Kumgang tourism projects.