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Quotation of the day

Posted October. 30, 2000 19:09,   


This is a good example of the deep-rooted obsession of the bureaucracy with administrative expediency which dies hard. (A member of Participation and Solidarity on Monday, disclosing the results of a survey conducted with Seoul National University's Public Law Society that showed 30 central government agencies exhibited a very low degree of preparedness for ensuring the access of the general public to information under their jurisdiction.)

Great profits are yet to be seen as small-time players, instead of the high rollers, rushed in. (An employee of the Kangwon Land casino that opened Monday in Jongson saying that the earnings were meager in spite of a terrible crush on the first day.)

I was deeply impressed by the hard-working people of Korea who deliver newspapers to every home at four before daybreak. (Stan Mendham, chairman of the organizing committee for International Small Businesses Congress on Monday during a press conference immediately after opening the convention in Seoul.)

A simple baseball game that scores one point by hitting a ball will no longer do. (Manager of Haitai Tigers Kim Euong-Yong on Monday during a farewell press interview upon leaving the team for Samsung Lions, observing that the Samsung team could hardly win the championships at its present performance.)

Do you mean that home-grown Ph.Ds are inferior to those who obtained their degrees from overseas universities? (Rep. Kim Hwa-Jung of the Democratic Party on Monday during a parliamentary audit on Seoul National University which hired 120 professors (out of a total of 172 required) between 1998 and 2000 from among returnees from foreign countries.)

The corporation can hardly avoid criticism that it is making use of the reclaimed land in Kimpo for profiteering. (Rep. Sohn Tae-In of the Grand National Party on Monday during a parliamentary questioning of the Agricultural Infrastructure Corp. accusing it of breaking a promise to use 51.7 percent of the land for cultivation by reducing its agricultural use to 35.5 percent in less than a year.)

The rejection seems to stem from the misconception of some Korea University students who think Ewha Womans University students as "pretty but stupid lasses."(An Ewha student on Monday in her analysis of the opposition of Korea U. students to a credit transfer scheme between the two schools as shown on the campus homepage.)