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N. Korea needs 6 trillion won power grid

Posted October. 27, 2000 15:18,   


It was confirmed that Korea Electric Power Corporation(KEPCO) is studying ways in detail to offer massive support to North Korea. Ahn Young-Keun, Rep. of the Grand National Party, disclosed a KEPCO report titled, ¡°South-North Cooperation in the Field of Electric Power,¡± and said that the Seoul government was seeking ways to provide massive power supply to North Korea, including the Kaesong industrial complex that Hyundai Group is planning to build.

According to the report, KEPCO calculated that 42 billion won for the supply of 1.2 million tons of coal for power generation, 112.5 billion won for 750,000 tons of heavy oil for power generation, 400 billion won for construction of heavy oil-fired power generation facilities and 700 billion won for construction of a coal-fired power plant with 400,000 kilowatts capacity, 130 billion won for emergency building of 120,000-KW mini power plant, 280 billion won to build Yangju-Pyongyang high-voltage cable and 200 billion won for buildup of power distribution facilities throughout North Korea.

KEPCO estimated that it would cost more than 6 trillion won to normalize North Korea`s overall power generation facilities.