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High-powered Chinese military delegation visits N.K.

Posted October. 22, 2000 03:16,   


To observe the 50th anniversary of China's entry into the Korean War, a delegation of high ranking Chinese military officials, including Zhe Hao-ten, head of the Chinese Defense Ministry and vice chairman of the Chinese Communist Party's Central Military Commission, left Beijing on Sunday and arrived in Pyongyang.

The military delegation, consisting of about 20 high-ranking officials of the People's Liberation Army, will meet with senior North Korean officials and attend a ceremony on the 25th marking the 50th anniversary of China's entrance into the Korean conflict, according to a report by Xinhua News Agency. The report further added that the delegation would visit the memorial cemetery of the volunteer soldiers and pay their respects to the revolutionary soldiers who fought heroically for the preservation of their state as they opposed the U.S.

At Beijing Airport, the delegation was met by North Korean Ambassador to China Ju Chang-Joon and high-ranking officers of the Liberation Army. At Pyongyang Airport, the delegation was met by Chinese Ambassador to North Korea Wang Guo-Jang and senior officers of the North Korean Army.