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ASEM exec. comm. meets press after closing

Posted October. 21, 2000 19:24,   


Members of the ASEM executive committee, President Kim Dae-Jung, Jacque Chirac of France, Thai Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai and EU chairman Romano Prodi held a press conference at the COEX convention center after the closing of the 3rd ASEM. They expressed their opinion that the ASEM meeting in Seoul had achieved a strengthening of the cooperative ties between Asia and Europe. The following is the main statement and Q&A session from the press conference.

President Kim's statement

Through this meeting, Asia and Europe were able to establish the base for a strong partnership to foster stability and prosperity in the new millennium. Especially, the selection of the Seoul declaration, which supports peace on the Korean peninsula based on the North-South summit talks and reconciliation, has great meaning. In the future, I am certain that ASEM will emerge as a strong and cooperative grouping that will bring discernible benefits to the citizens of all the member nations.


- What is the most detailed and discernible achievement made at the meeting?

President Kim = A framework for cooperation between Asia and Europe was constructed. The basic principles and a charter were made in order to set up a 10-year cooperative plan. During the meeting, the U.K., Germany and Spain expressed their intentions to open diplomatic relations with North Korea and this clearly shows that Europe has taken up the Korean peninsula peace issue as their problem also.

- What ramifications does the new partnership between Asia and Europe have concerning relations with the U.S.?

President Chirac = In the Europe, U.S. Asia tri-polar structure, the relationship between Europe and Asia needed to be bolstered as it was the relatively weaker link. However, there will be no influence on Europe-U.S. relations and it will only create a more balanced world.

Chairman Prodi = With exchanges between Europe and Asia increasing rapidly, there needs to be greater links between the two regions. The objective of the ASEM meeting was to address economic and political issues at the same time.

- Many European nations expressed their positions on the North Korea issue, what is France's position?

President Chirac = We have set up ties with North Korea. However, issues on nuclear proliferation and human rights will have to be resolved before diplomatic exchanges are made.

- Did the European leaders discuss the Middle East situation

President Chirac = We all agreed that the Middle East crisis will settle down. We expressed our belief that Israel and Palestine will have to make pro-active efforts in the continuing discussions.

- (President Kim to PM Chuan Leekpai) Would you like to make some comments?

PM Leekpai = It has only been four years since ASEM was founded, but considerable development has been experienced. Exchanges between Asia and Europe now exceed those between Europe and the U.S. We are making efforts to reduce the geographical distance between Asia and Europe and enhance mutual relationships.

Choi Young-Mook lymook@donga.com