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U.S.-N.K. joint statement issued in D.C.

Posted October. 12, 2000 20:34,   


North Korea and the United States, recognizing that the historic inter-Korean summit has contributed to changing the environment on the Korean peninsula, agreed to take joint steps to substantially improve bilateral relations in the quest for peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region. In this connection, the two countries shared the view that there are many measures that can be taken, including the four-party peace talks, to ease tension on the peninsula and replace the 1953 Armistice Agreement with a viable peace mechanism formerly ending the Korean War.

The two sides conducted intensive studies on the creation of new opportunities that could lead to fundamentally improvements in their bilateral relations. As an initial, important step, the two nations declared that they have no hostile intentions against each other and reaffirmed their desire to exert joint efforts to cast off their relationship of enmity and establish new ties.

On the basis of the 1993 North Korea-U.S. joint statement and 1994 Agreed Framework, the two sides will endeavor to remove mutual distrust and build mutual confidence, and maintain an atmosphere conducive to addressing matters of mutual concern in a constructive way. In this connection, the two sides reaffirm the fact that the bilateral relationship shall rest with mutual respect for the other's state sovereignty and non-interference in each other's domestic affairs, and paid attention to the fact that the maintenance of bilateral and multilateral diplomatic contacts are in their mutual interest.

North Korean and the U.S. also agreed to promote mutually beneficial economic cooperation and exchanges. They concurred that the solution to the missile dispute will greatly contribute to the improvement of the bilateral ties and peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region. The North Korean side notified the U. S. that it would not test-fire any missiles while missile-related talks are under way.

The two parties, confirming that they will exert double efforts to fully implement their obligations under the basic agreement, reached the consensus that this is vital for the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and its security. They will monitor progress in humanitarian projects of mutual concern. The North Korean side extended its appreciation for the U.S. food and medical aids sent to meet the North's humanitarian demands.

The United States offered appreciation for North Korea's cooperation in search of the remains of the American soldiers who went missing during the Korean War. The two sides will also render all possible assistance in determining the whereabouts of the missing U.S. soldiers. The two sides concurred to continue mutual consultations on this and other humanitarian problems. The two agreed to send Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Pyongyang in the near future, in order to convey this President Bill Clinton's intent to North Korean Defense Commission Chairman Kim Jong-Il and prepare for his visit to the U.S.