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ASEM offer great chance for corporate promotion

Posted October. 06, 2000 13:29,   


It is expected that Korean and foreign companies will compete fiercely with each other for promotion during the 3rd Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in Seoul, the largest diplomatic event since the nation¡¯s foundation with heads of 26 countries participating.

Industry sources said that a total of nearly 3,000 representatives and journalists will take part in the meeting and companies are struggling to take advantage of the opportunity to promote their products.

Hyundai Motor offered a total of 294 cars, including 131 passenger cars like 4.5-liter limousine and 131 trucks and minivans, for the duration of the meeting. Also, the company is planning to display its concept cars such as NEOS and HCD-V as well as Santafes at the Atlantic Hall of COEX from Oct. 20 through 29.

Samsung SDI will offer 24 plasma display panel at major spot of the conference venue to show the conference and other events happening during the ASEM meeting. It will offer 45-inch PDP as well as 63-inch PDP that the company will mass produce from May next year.

Kyobo Life Insurance will offer 75 TV sets to be used during the conference, while companies like Nestle Korea, Sansoo Beverage, Korea Tobacco & Ginseng, Crown Bakery and Oriental Brewery will offer foods and beverages to the participants of the meeting as part of their corporate promotion.