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Prof. Choi criticizes inter-Korean policy

Posted October. 06, 2000 21:03,   


Prof. Choi Jang-Jip of Korea University, who served as the chairman of the presidential policy advisory committee, criticized Chong Wa Dae and the ruling Millennium Democratic Party Friday for neglecting domestic affairs and remaining preoccupied with inter-Korean problems, claiming that the rapid pace of inter-Korean rapprochement should be slowed down. In a debate session held at the National Assembly sponsored by the Asia-Pacific Policy Research Institute, Choi asserted that the government made a historic contribution to the development of inter-Korean relations. But he warned that if the government fails in its domestic duties, this would have an adverse effect on the budding ties between the South and the North.

Contending that South Korean society is rigid in terms of ideologies, he asserted that rapidly changing inter-Korean ties could give sense of unrest to the people, adding that the government therefore needs to set a steady pace in the development of bilateral ties. He continued to assert that if the national economy crumbles, inter-Korean relations will be plunged into crisis. Choi also noted that the opposition party's criticism may have stemmed from ideological discord and that the opposition may have intended to take advantage of the government's policy failures for its political gains. He stressed that even if the opposition did wrong, the ruling camp must recognize the rival party as its political partner and strive to build a bipartisan consensus.