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Chong Wa Dae could be declared No Smoking Zone

Posted October. 05, 2000 20:29,   


Arguments are arising over whether to designate all buildings in the precinct of the presidential office of Chong Wa Dae no-smoking zones.

The issue was first raised naturally by officials at the office of the senior presidential secretary for welfare and labor affairs, as the "people¡¯s health" has emerged as a new concept in the course of promoting the separation of the roles of doctors and pharmacists.

After the Public Health Promotion Law went into effect, Chong Wa Dae authorities encouraged officials to quit smoking by making it compulsory for them to smoke in designated locations.

But the mandatory measure has been largely unsuccessful so far, raising the need for a special measure to help them set an example by becoming the first to give up smoking.

A proposal for "no smoking in the Secretariat building from Nov. 1" was made by some Chong Wa Dae officials Wednesday, and some suggested that the issue be brought up for discussion as an official agenda at the senior presidential secretaries' meeting Thursday, but the senior secretaries did not discuss the issue, citing a lack of time.

Some habitual smokers also complained about the move, saying that all good measures should undergo democratic procedures. The office of the senior secretary for general affairs therefore decided to discuss the issue after listening to the opinions of Chong Wa Dae staff.

However, observers are predicting that the move to designate non-smoking zones in the vicinity of Chong Wa Dae will be foiled in the long run because many senior secretaries and other officials are habitual smokers.

They claim that prohibiting smoking uniformly is a far cry from President Kim Dae-Jung's policy of stressing "autonomy" in each field.

Choi Young-Mook ymook@donga.com