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Seoul Citizens Day events are Oct. 28-29

Posted October. 05, 2000 12:18,   


Colorful events to mark the Seoul Citizens Day will be held in downtown Seoul on Oct. 28-29.

City Hall named the festival ¡°Me, Seoul 2000,¡± meaning, ¡°A true festival is one I take part in, gives life to my identity and helps me find myself again,'' according to city officials.

The festival also will seek to emphasize the image of Seoul citizens who are united under the catch phrase, ¡°In Seoul all people are Seoul citizens.¡±

City Hall will proclaim the week of Oct. 23-29 as the Week of Citizens.

About 2,000 people are participating in the planning of the festival events. They include members of the 1318 Cultural Planning Corps, planners of street art exhibitions, professors and students.

For more information, call 02-2068-4591.

Park Jeong-Hun sunshade@donga.com