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Ex-PM Park insists, ¡®No more politics!¡¯

Posted October. 05, 2000 12:13,   


Former Prime Minister Park Tae-Jun, who resigned in May amid a real estate trust scandal, returned to his home in the North A-hyeon-dong of Seoul after a three-month trip abroad.

Having received health treatments and rest in the United States and Japan, Park returned to Korea on Oct. 2, and while in Busan, he paid a respectful visit to the birth home of the former President Park Jung-Hee in the Gumi area of Gyeongsangbuk-do on Wednesday.

The former prime minister met with reporters at Kimpo International Airport and rejected any return to politics.

"I have been driven from politics (by the people)," he said. "What future do I have in politics?"

Former Presidential Aide Cho Young-Jang spoke concerning Park's future.

"Other than meeting with friends and acquaintances, he will rest or read," Cho said. "Should certain things happen, he will travel to Japan or the United States."

However, as former PM Park's return to Korea coincided with the completion of the privatization of Pohang Iron and Steel on Sept. 29, many people suspect and are keenly watching for any sign of the emergence of a Park regime within POSCO.

"It has been several years since former PM Park has cut ties with Pohang Steel," Cho said, adding, "Even while abroad, former PM Park kept up with the issues surrounding the real economy, and he has expressed he would be willing to give advice should he be given a chance in the area of inter-Korean issues or the economy."

Cheon Seung-Hoon raphy@donga.com