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Companies seek promising investments

Posted October. 02, 2000 12:11,   


Korean corporations are struggling to find next-generation businesses for their investments next year. They plan to make intensive investment in information-communication and internet businesses, but they are hesitating as there is an indication that investments in these sectors are excessive.

For this reason, the business circle is seeking promising areas of intensive investment in line with professionalization of management at a time when the financial market is suffering from stringency.

The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry has pointed out that digital home appliances, semiconductors, information-communication services, telecommunication equipment and biotechnology as the five most promising industries for the 21st century. The KCCI classified these industries based on the technological gap between Korean companies and their competitors in advanced countries, and the growth rate of the global market.

And it nominated digital TV, memory chips, portable data communications services, optical cable for household use, and duplicated domestic animals as products that will emerge as the world's best. Also, KCCI concluded that software, alternative energy, environment and medical equipment are industries with high growth potential, although there exists a big gap in technological capability of companies in Korea and those in advanced countries.