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Illegal foreign residents in Korea total 150,800

Posted October. 01, 2000 19:19,   


As of the end of June, there were an estimated 158,000 illegal residents living in Korea. According to a report submitted by the Ministry of Justice to Rep. Kim Moo-Sung (Grand National Party), a member of the Legislation and Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly, illegal residents numbered 81,866 at the end of 1995, but this figure grew to 129,054 by 1996. The growth continued to record 148,048 by 1997, but dropped to 99,537 by 1998, then rose again to 135,338 by 1999.

As of the end of June this year, the number had shot up to 158,312. By nation, the majority are Chinese, with 78,243 individuals, including ethnic Koreas with Chinese citizenship (48,059). The second largest illegal resident group is Bangladeshis at 10,303, followed by Mongolians at 11,563; Filipinos at 10,517; Pakistanis at 5,179; and Russians from Uzbekistan at 4,059.