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Korean actress introduces film in Japan

Posted September. 27, 2000 11:45,   


Actress Shim Eun-Ha introduced her own film, "A Zoo Beside a Gallery," to the Japanese press in Tokyo on Tuesday. It will be released in early November in Japan.

The main hall of Tokuma Publishing House, which imported the Korean movie, was crowded with more than 150 members of the Japanese media. Her earlier film, "Christmas in August," in which Shim played the leading part, already has made her familiar to Japanese audiences and favorably impressed Japanese critics.

"Although I have had a number of press interviews back in Korea, I have never been so nervous than now," she said. "My appearance today is hoped to serve to interest and attract more Japanese motion picture lovers to Korean films here."

One journalist asked her a prankish question: "What would you do if you found a male total stranger in your room?" She provoked laughter when she replied airily: "I could well ask what brought him there; and then, why not start an affair with him if he is found to be a good man?"