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Lifting of Greenbelt to be delayed for a year

Posted September. 08, 2000 17:06,   


The lifting of Greenbelt status (development restricted areas) in 7 metropolitan areas within next year as originally planned during the beginning of this year, will be delayed for a year after 2002. Consequently, a backlash is expected, as exercising the property rights by the residents in the areas will also be delayed for a year.

The Ministry of Construction and Transportation announced on September 7 to delay making amendments on the Greenbelt status due to conflict of interest among involved parties in the self-governing entities and a lack of proper preparation.

The Ministry originally planned to prepare a blueprint for a wider urban planning by the end of this year for the 7 metropolitan areas including Busan and Daegu and designate areas to be adjusted and lifted from the Greenbelt status. However, as it took more time than expected to work out details of the urban planning, the ministry explained that the delay is inevitable. The ministry added that the actual lifting of the greenbelt status could take more than two years as the planning which is a condition precedent, needs to be prepared.

The target cities to be lifted from the greenbelt status include 7 small and medium cities including Chunchon, Jeonju, Cheju, Tongyong, Jinju, Cheongju, and Yeosu. However as planning for making adjustments need to be done prior to lifting the status, a delay is expected for a year and the actual lifting will likely take place during the latter half of next year.

On the other hand, Cheju, for the first among small and medium cities, has prepared a proposal to amend the standard urban planning to lift the greenbelt status. The city will hold a public hearing for the proposal on September 28 and have the greenbelt status lifted as early as this year.
