Lee Kyung-Wha`s Choom-cho-rom Dance Troupe, a Korean cultural dance company, took the silver medal at the International Cultural Dance Festival, which came to a close on September 4 in France.
Lee`s Dance Troupe, which is comprised of 45 members, wowed the audience with its performance of the fan dance, drum dance and the farmers` dance.
The performance also was highlighted by an ensemble of musicians led by the conductor Lee Yong-Tak and which included 15 members from the National Orchestra of Korean Wind and String Instruments. The orchestra presented many musical pieces of the Korean music tradition.
The festival, which was part of the 54th Dijon cultural dance festival, is considered one of the three grand festivals in the arts, along with the Cannes Film Festival and Avignon Stage Festival.
In the festival, which saw the attendance of 1,500 dancers and musicians from 45 nations, the gold went to Armenia`s Nuvelle Caledonian team. The silver medalist Lee Kyung-Hwa`s Dance Troupe, which was formed in 1984, has had 20 or so performances abroad and is planning to perform for Korean audiences following its return home on September. 16 at the Seoul Arts center.