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Extradition pacts on the increase

Posted September. 04, 2000 15:14,   


It is expected that criminal flight overseas will decrease with the increasing conclusion of extradition treaties with more foreign countries. Following the signing of extradition pacts with the United States last year, the Foreign Affairs-Trade Ministry plans to conclude similar agreements with China, Russia and Hong Kong within the year, and to start negotiations with Japan, Indonesia and some other countries in the near future. The ministry is scheduled to hold working-level talks with the Chinese government in Beijing on Sept. 4-7. The ministry already has wrapped up working-level negotiations with Russia and Hong, and is putting on the fishing touches on the provisions of those pacts. With Japan and Indonesia, the ministry is engaged in initial consultations for full-dress talks, the ministry officials disclosed.

Saying that with the conclusion of the extradition pacts, the government will be able to cover most of the countries where South Korean criminal suspects are prone to hide, the officials said. They asserted that even though such treaties will not ensure the extradition of all wanted criminals, the pacts are sure to have an effect of preventing criminal flights.

Boo Hyung-Kwon bookum90@donga.com