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Kim Young-Sam may rejoin politics

Posted September. 04, 2000 13:03,   


Following the revelation of his wish to reactivate of Democratic Leadership (Alpine) Club, former President Kim Young-Sam has engaged in a string of meetings with prominent political figures, giving the appearance of his plans to re-enter politics.

At his home in the Sang-do area of Seoul on Sept. 2, the former president met and shared a meal with the Democratic Republican Party`s acting Rep. Kim Yoon-Whan. The acting representative Kim reportedly stressed the need for "formation of power base through regional solidarity" during the meeting. ¡°With the current situation of the various parties, no single party will be able to take firm authoritative control over the administration," Kim Young-Sam reportedly said. However, Kim refused to give further details of the meeting. ¡°If I spoke any further, it would be detrimental," he said.

About 10 days ago, independent Rep. Chung Mong-Joon met with the former President Kim. A source near the former President`s household in the Sang-do area revealed that Rep. Jung invited the former president to the soccer match between Korean and Nigerian National Teams, and also asked former President Kim concerning his views on the 2002 Presidential Election. It has been further revealed that the opposition Grand National Party Representatives Kim Duk-Ryong, Lee Su-Sung and Park Chan-jong also have made visits with the former president.

Sun Dae-In eodls@donga.com