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Quotations of the day

Posted August. 25, 2000 19:21,   


¡°Restructuring universities according to the cost reduction measures of a mass production manufacturing company goes against their development and quality improvement.¡± Seoul National University professors¡¯ committee, regarding the Ministry of Education¡¯s development plan for the revamping of public universities, on Friday.

¡°These comments always pop up during elections. Ask young people what their dream is. Then all of them will say to be the president of Korea.¡± Suh Young-Hoon, Millennium Democratic Party leader, on the party¡¯s supreme council candidates¡¯ frequent comments about the presidency, on Friday.

¡°The people who wrote the press conference speech for former President Kim Young-Sam seem unable to comprehend the June 15 South-North Korean joint declaration.¡± Cheong Wa Dae official, Friday, noting that rebuking ex-President Kim¡¯s harsh criticism of President Kim¡¯s policy regarding North Korea is inappropriate.

¡°We can¡¯t criticize the government as the opposition party does, nor can we pour out compliments when party ties have not been fully recovered.¡± A United Liberal Democrats (ULD) party member, Friday, explaining why the ULD has refrained from commenting on the performance of ¡°the government for the people¡± during the first half of its term.