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GNP calls election investigation biased

Posted August. 18, 2000 11:29,   


The opposition Grand National Party has charged that the Prosecutor¡¯s Office`s handling of the investigation of election irregularities was a methodical ¡°persecution of the opposition party¡± members and accused the Prosecutor¡¯s Office of a biased investigation. The GNP`s fact-finding commission for election law violations presented a report of its finding concerning the Prosecutor¡¯s Office`s handling of the irregularities. According to the report, the Prosecutor¡¯s Office has gone full throttle and used a microscope to sift through the facts of the cases against the opposition party members while turning a virtually blind eye and a casual stroll regarding the cases against the ruling party members.

The GNP was critical especially of what it called biased indictments against the assembly for the current term. The Prosecutor`s Office indicted Rep. Yoo Sung-Keun on August 16 for name card distribution and making false statements. So far during August, prosecutors indicted four members of the GNP for election law violations. Currently, there are eight opposition GNP members under indictment for violations of election laws for the April 13 election, while only three ruling party members are under indictment. The opposition party charged that the numbers clearly show bias by the Prosecutor¡¯s Office.