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Statement from North visitors before leaving Seoul

Posted August. 18, 2000 21:01,   


We, the North Korean visitors, have completed our 3-night and 4-day stay in Seoul and will be leaving today. Before we leave, we would like to express our gratitude to the officials of the South¡¯s Korea National Red Cross for their unreserved cooperation in the successful completion of our schedule and purpose of our visit. Moreover, we would like to express our gratitude to the citizens of Seoul and personnel from various fields for welcoming us with warm comradeship.

We, the group of North Korean visitors, were able to hold dramatic meetings with our separated families, whom we have never forgotten over the past fifty years, and shared emotional family moments thanks to the consideration of our dear General Kim Jong-Il.

During these moments, we reassured ourselves that we will be able to overcome the differences in the political systems and ideologies of the North and the South and work out the problems related to reunification together as one race, based on the fact that the blood ties between the North and South have not changed although the separate families have lived apart for over half a century.

We have realized once again that the historical joint declaration between the North and the South is a farewell to our race¡¯s tragic past, and a milestone which shortens and enlightens our paths towards glorious reunification by breaking down the wall that separates us, together.

Indeed, we as one race have taken a precious first step towards reconciliation and reunification. As one race, we should put an end to separation as directed by the historical joint declaration between the North and the South and march forward together with power and wisdom for reunification.

We are confident and proud that this occasion of exchanging visitors has wonderfully decorated the first execution of the joint declaration. We will devote every effort for the union and the glorious reunification of our race.