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Statement of delegation from N. Korea

Posted August. 16, 2000 11:38,   


Today we have come to Seoul to meet with our blood relatives and family members. All members of the delegation would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the warm welcomes of the people of Seoul and to the officials of the South`s Korea National Red Cross. On behalf of all the people of North Korea, I would like to greet you most sincerely.

Two months ago, for the first time since the division 55 years ago, a historic peace summit and the inter-Korean Joint Declaration that has opened a path for reunification starting this year will truly go down in the history of modern Korea and its unification as the greatest event ever. As this reunion of separated families and relatives is the first actualization of the inter-Korean Joint Declaration, it is more so important and meaningful.

Meetings of family members and relatives, many of whom could not even surmise whether the family members were alive, will add great momentum to the Joint Declaration, as it works toward the reconciliation and unity of the Korean people. The solid wall of confrontation and division has started to show cracks. We of the first family reunion delegation will put all of our efforts toward the continued exchange of family reunions a great support for the reconciliation and unity of the Korean people.