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Ryu Mi-Young returns after 23 years

Posted August. 16, 2000 13:47,   


"I cannot fully express my joy of returning to Seoul after 23 years. I have continued my struggle for unity and reunification," Ryu Mi-Young, who led the North`s family reunion delegation to Seoul on August 15 and said at the V.I.P lounge of Kimpo Airport. Ryu is chairwoman of the North Korea Chondoist Chungwoo Church and wife of former Minister of Foreign Affairs Choi Duk-Shin.

Having been invited by Pong Du-Wan, vice-president of the Korea National Red Cross, she bypassed the disembarkation process and came directly to the V.I.P. lounge with an overjoyed look, much like a child. "This is only the beginning,¡± she said. ¡°Let us work with one mind for the unification." To vice president Pong`s words, "This has been made possible through the meeting of the two heads of states," she replied, "The Great Leader Kim Jung-Il has made a great decision."

Also, in a press conference, she answered a question by an American reporter about how she felt "I`m very happy," she replied in English. Prior to her self exile in the North, she stayed in the United States and had attained a high level of English fluency. To the question whether she would meet her daughter in Seoul, she replied simply, "I`ll meet her some time later."