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President Kim accused of political revenge

Posted August. 15, 2000 20:38,   


Opposition Grand National Party (GNP) Representative Park Chong-Ung revealed that after his pardon and release from prison former Rep. Hong In-Kil visited former President Kim Young-Sam. He also said former President Kim stated that the ruling Millennium Democratic party had committed a gross injustice and an act of political revenge by imprisoning former Rep. Hong while allowing its own Senior Advisor, Kwon No-Kap, to continue his political career even after committing similar election violations.

Former President Kim has reportedly met with current President Kim Dae-Jung behind closed doors and stated that there would be no need to grant Kim Hyun-Chul a pardon. He reportedly said to President Kim that the next President will undoubtedly do so.

President Kim also expressed his discontent with the chairman of the opposition GNP, Lee Hoi-Chang, for not acting on former Rep. Hong¡¯s behalf, as both are from the same party.