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Sauna for female lawmakers

Posted August. 06, 2000 20:21,   


In the basement of the National Assembly Building, there is a special sauna for the exclusive use of lawmakers. The facility, which is on par in terms of excellence with those found in luxury hotels, is an important rest area for the assemblymen. At times, it also serves as a venue for the heads of the

ruling and opposition parties to get together.

However, for obvious reasons, this facility is not available to the women of the National Assembly. Female Assembly representatives have therefore been growing increasingly irate. At a recent dinner meeting, 16 female lawmakers discussed this very issue. They have decided to call for the alternate use of the facility or for a new sauna to be built for the exclusive use of women legislators.

A member of the opposition Grand National Party, Kim Jung-Sook, stated that while she does not particularly enjoy spending time in the sauna, it boils down to an issue of equality between the sexes.

The female members of the National Assembly will draw up a request on the matter to be presented to the Speaker of the National Assembly soon.