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Anti-US sentiment not beneficial to Korea

Posted August. 01, 2000 19:30,   


In relation to anti-U.S. sentiments, which arose over the Maehyang-ri massacre, negotiations for SOFA amendments and the toxic waste disposal incident, President Kim stated that anti-U.S. sentiment does not benefit the nation`s prosperity, as steadfast cooperative relations have to be maintained between the two nations.

He further added to the statement made at a cabinet meeting in Chong Wha Dae that it is acceptable to criticize U.S. policy, but considering the fact the U.S. is Korea¡¯s most important partner in the international and economic arenas, anti-U.S. sentiment is inappropriate.

According to President Kim, South-North relations could not have come this far if tight national security and cooperative relations between the U.S., Japan and Korea were not maintained. Since the South-North summit meeting, there have been some careless judgments and these are completely off base, remarked President Kim.

Particular concerns were aired about hasty judgments made on the U.S. armed forces issue by some circles and the President asserted this kind of rash feeling should not surface. As has been the case in the past and in the future, the U.S. forces are stationed in Korea to preserve national prosperity.

On the South-North minister level talks, he stressed that unlike past meetings, they are expected to move forward, and said true efforts for reconciliation are being made. It should be noted that the decision to hold the 2nd round of talks in Pyongyang is a great advancement in South-North relations.