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Cardinal Kim talks about 'love'

Posted July. 31, 2000 12:21,   


Recently, cardinal Kim Soo-Hwan presented his theory of love to young people at a National Youth Festival. The festival was held at the Hayang Campus of Taegu Catholic College.

The following are highlights of Kim`s theory of love:

"Love is a decision. The reason that love is troublesome is because you didn`t made up your mind."

"Loving is difficult for me, too. I think if I ever really loved someone. If it tough to love and forgive someone. Those who love someone is beautiful, joyous and can live in peace. But, it can`t be abandoned."

"Mother Teresa of India is respected and loved by everybody. It is because she practiced love. You will be a true man only when you do love. And you have to realize how much love you enjoy."