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KEDO executive board to meet in Seoul

Posted July. 28, 2000 19:33,   


The Office of Planning for the Light-Water Reactor Project (OPLWRP) announced that the Korean Energy Development Organization (KEDO)`s executive board meeting will be held in Seoul July 31 at the Samchungdong OPLWRP conference room.

An OPLWRP official said that the board will review the construction process for the light-water reactors it is building in North Korea, which began in February. The board will also discuss protocol with the North and confer fuel oil supplies, most of which were donated by the U.S., to Pyongyang. The KEDO executive board usually meets every two months in New York or a board member country, but the meeting was set in Seoul as it coincides with the schedules of members attending the ASEAN Regional Forum.