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Heavy rains cause jet fuel spill

Posted July. 25, 2000 19:42,   


The torrential rains that bombarded the southern Gyeonggi region on the 22nd caused an accidental discharge of 3,700 gallons of airplane fuel at the Osan air force base.

The U.S. Forces Korea command revealed that emergency recovery teams have been deployed to dispose of the fuel and that investigation into the environmental impact of the incident are being conducted.

According to the U.S. armed forces, the spill is assumed to have occurred after 2 underground fuel tanks at the Osan base were submerged in rainwater.

The recent downpour did not result in any casualties or damage to airplanes, but facilities and equipment near the base`s runway were impaired.

Consequently, weeklong combat training exercises planned for the 25th were postponed.