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Heavy rains leave 10 killed and 5 missing

Posted July. 24, 2000 21:10,   


Torrential rains that began July 22 in the Kyonggi area and the southern part of Korea have killed 10 people, left 5 missing and caused damage worth a total of 33.2 billion won as of July 24.

The heavy rainfall also resulted in 3077 flood victims from 1062 households, and a total of 4299 homes and 12,917ha of farming land were submerged under water.

By area, the dead and missing include 4 persons each from Yongin and Pyongtaek and 2 from Ansung, with a total of 13 in southern Kyonggi-do. Sungjoo in Northern Kyongsang Province and Mujoo in Northern Cholla Province had one casualty each.

The government has decided to launch unified investigations with local self-governing bodies and to sponsor aid and rehabilitation costs according to individual situations. The total amount spent will be calculated later on.