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192 found in South for family reunion

Posted July. 21, 2000 12:06,   


The Korean National Red Cross announced Friday that the search for relatives sought by North Korean reunion candidates ha resulted in 192 persons confirmed still living in the South.

The eight candidates whose family members could not be located were Lee Sang-Kyu, Lee Won-Sang, Suh Yoon-Man, Kang Ok-Soon, Lee Young-Wui, Lee Seung-Boo, Kim Ki-Sang and Bae Sun-Woo.

The KNRC also revealed that South Korean family members in the coming reunion will be allowed to give gifts containing cash to their loved ones in the North.

"The question of presenting gifts was not included in the agreement between the North and the South national Red Crosses,¡± Secretary General Park Ki-Ryun said. ¡°However, there really won`t be much point in trying to prevent the giving of gifts, including cash, to the North Koreans. It would only add to the joyful celebration for the South Korean family members to prepare gift packages according to their means."