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Heavy rains forecast

Posted July. 19, 2000 15:45,   


Torrential rains are expected to continue until Thursday in Seoul, Kyonggi Province and other central regions of the nation, accompanied by thunder and lightning.

The Korea Meteorological Administration warned of possible damage, forecasting up to 120 millimeters of precipitation.

¡°Mostly cloudy skies are forecast across the nation Wednesday and Thursday, as the monsoon rain front moves southward from North Korea and the probability of rains reaches 50 to 90 percent,¡± the weather office said.

Expected rainfalls are 40-80 mm in Seoul, Kyonggi Province and Chungchong Province, with some places having more than 120 mm; 30-40 mm in Kangwon Province, 20-70 mm in Cholla Province and North Kyongsang Province and 5-40 mm on Cheju Island and South Kyongsang Province, it said.