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Bullet found in Nogun-ri

Posted July. 19, 2000 17:44,   


A Defense Ministry investigative team Tuesday kicked off an on-site forensic work to secure evidence on the alleged massacre of South Korean civilians by U. S. troops in Nogun-ri, central Seoul, during the Korean War, and removed a bulletin from a bridge there.

The forensic work is aimed at determining who shot and from where the bullets were fired. The U.S. Associated Press which first reported the alleged massacre and bereaved families of the victims believe U.S.soldiers fired, but some U.S. soldiers claim that they saw North Korean People¡¯s Army soldiers at the time of the controversial firing.The investigative team is concentrating on discovering bullets since through forensic tests of bullet residue or marks and the path of the bullets, it will be able to locate the exact positions where the machine were placed.

The team is mobilizing metal detector to find where the machine guns were fired at about 50 places where the bullets were lodged and some 200 locations where bullet marks are left. It is also examining the places which might be used as bases for strategic purposes