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Tougher communication privacy sought

Posted July. 18, 2000 14:31,   


Through a move that will include mandatory safekeeping of copies of requests for wire-tapping or other similar acts of invasion of privacy, the government plans to enact more comprehensive communication privacy legislation.

"A bill to amend the current communication privacy laws was being debated by lawmakers last year,¡± a source at the Ministry of Information and Communication said July 17. ¡°However, with the ending of the session for lawmakers, the amendment was placed on hold.¡±

He added that most of the suggestions made by the government`s supervisory board on the communication amendment likely would be adopted.

The Ministry will push for an amendment to establish a legal basis for the mandatory registration of private companies monitoring wire-tapping and other invasion-of-privacy activities and thereby keep a closer tab on such activities. In addition, a stricter system of record keeping will be imposed on information providers in line with the Communication Truthfulness Act.

Government agencies will be subjected to audit by an authorized non-governmental agency should they import or set up a facility or equipment for wire-tapping purposes.

The Ministry intends to complete ongoing discussion with the Ministry of Justice concerning the amendment to the Communication Privacy Act and to submit a bill Aug. 9.

In addition, the Ministry last month submitted a proposed revision of "management of online communication service providers and private investigative agencies." The proposal calls for a ban on the release of secret codes for voice mail, as well as providing concrete lists of information that could be released by communication service providers to investigative agencies.