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Most oppose coaches beating players

Posted July. 18, 2000 13:56,   


A recent beating of players by a women¡¯s basketball coach has sparked a major controversy among netizens.

They are debating about whether coaches beating their players should be regarded as a ¡°rod of love.¡±

Most netizens absolutely oppose the punishment.

A poll conducted by sports.donga.com, showed that 71.33 percent or 1,376 of the total 1,929 questioned said ¡°absolutely no.¡±

The controversy was triggered by the report that coach Jin Sung-Ho of Hyundai Construction and Engineering Co`s women`s basketball team beat his players after a game with Kumho Life Insurance in Kyongju on June 25. His violence caused a player`s eardrum to rupture.

Yet 14.15 percent or 273 said ¡°a rod of love would be good.¡± They said that corporal punishment from affection should be allowed to some extent.

Some coaches time claim that corporal punishment is helpful to strengthen the players` fighting spirit and is the proper conduct of coaches. But their claim was supported by only 7.21 percent (139) and 7.31 percent (141) of respondents.