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Un-welcomed heat-wave following Kai Tak

Posted July. 13, 2000 15:45,   


Although much of the nation enjoyed temperatures below 30 degree Celsius on July 12, with Seoul recording 28.7, the high humidity brought wrinkles to the faces of many folks.

According to the Korea Meteorological Administration, "In general, the atmospheric humidity level associated with temperatures ranging in the 30s is about 30-40%. However, on the day, the humidity level reached upwards to 83% for Inchon, 75% for Seoul, and an average of 60-80% nation wide. The after-affect of the typhoon seems to have caused a greater evaporation of surface water into the atmosphere, accounting for such high level." The KMA further predicted that the current heat-wave will continue until a relief is brought by another storm.

The KMA, in its weekly forecast (July 13-18), revealed that, "As our nation is under the outer edge of the high pressure region, we will experience a great deal of clouds above and there is an advisory for flash showers on July15 nationally, and July 18 in the south of Choong-chung region. For the week, the mid-day high will be slightly higher that the average recorded (21-29)."

"On July 13, all areas of the nation but Cheu-ju Island have 30-40% of heavy rain, and with the high pressure area in the southern seaboard gradually moving off, Che-ju Island will have a 40-50% chance of rain. For Thursday, July 13, the daily low will be 20-26 degrees with mid-day high of 30-36 degrees, making today generally hotter than yesterday."