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[Opinion] The North’s Luxurious Shopping

Posted December. 20, 2006 03:02,   


Rolex jewelry watch, Aigner belt, A.Testoni shoes, and gold necklaces. These were the luxury goods that Kim Jong Nam, son of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, was wearing when he was caught with a fake passport at Narita Airport in Japan on May 4, 2001. Two women accompanying him were also found wrapped in Louis Vuitton bags, Prada shoes, and pure gold Chanel accessories. The North Korean upper class was known to have luxury items. However, this was the first time to be shown to the world so clearly.

Although North Korea is one of the poorest countries in the world, its leader Kim and his family members enjoy luxury items just like the richest people of a typical capitalist state. Guerrillas, Labor Party, military authorities, and cabinet members also enjoy extravagances thanks to Kim. When the U.S. announced an export ban list of luxury items to North Korea on November 30, the press analyzed that it was to inhibit Kim from sending gifts to 600 loyalist families.

However, the U.S. and Japan’s banning of export of luxury products after the United Nations’ decision following North Korea’s nuclear test does not seem to have caused any difficulty for the privileged North Koreans. The Wall Street Journal reported that a North Korean recently bought a $50,000 Toyota car with cash and gold jewelry in Dandong, China, as well as cosmetics from there. A body cream that claims to make a person thinner is a hit. North Korean companies in Macao, China, are reportedly sending luxury products home.

There are many citizens dying of famine, and children cannot grow properly due to malnutrition in North Korea. The privileged North Korean enjoying luxury despite this situation shows that the socialism equality that North Korea claims is a complete lie. The South Korean government, knowing about all this, only criticizes the South’s polarization and does not mention the North’s. Only the 20 million North Koreans who are exploited by the North government and neglected by the South are the victims.

Han Ki-heung, Editorial Writer, eligius@donga.com