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Tender heart is a sickness

Posted May. 17, 2024 08:02,   

Updated May. 17, 2024 08:02


As spring fades away, flowers wither. But it’s nothing to be sad about. Unripe apricots appear, swallows fly around, and blue river water flows through the town. Spring is not missed even without willow leaves, as fragrant plants and liveliness fill the world.

A passerby takes light, joyful steps as he is mesmerized by natural scenery, regardless of whether he is traveling far from home or taking short strolls. A heart flutters at the sudden laughter of a lady. Is it because of a lady left in one’s hometown? Or is it because it sounds similar to the laughter of a lady he likes? The laughter becomes distant, turning away from the passerby’s enjoyable imagination. Does he know that a tender heart is a sickness?

“A tender heart is a sickness” is an often-quoted phrase that conveys the optimistic message that there are always opportunities and hope despite adversity. It can also be an alternative way to say that ‘you are not the only man or woman in the world.’ Jeonyeonhwa is the title of the song.