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Justice Minister Gang Say “No Investigation For N.K Money Transmission”

Justice Minister Gang Say “No Investigation For N.K Money Transmission”

Posted June. 04, 2003 22:32,   


Justice Department Minister Gang Gum-sil said on June 4th, “I think that there should have been no special investigation against the incidence of money transfer to North Korea by the previous administration.”

Minister Gang said at a noon meeting with journalists, “This is a personal opinion, but I think that if the special investigation had to be launched anyway, it should have been done by the prosecution.”

She added that the Justice Department presented its suggestion to President Roh saying “President should exert his veto” on March 14th when the decision for the special investigation was made.

At that time, most other ministers including the Minister of Unification Jung Se-hyun, the Minister of Gender Equality Ji Eun-hee, the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy Yoo Jin-sik and Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Kim Young-jin suggested that President exert his veto.

Remarks by Minister Gang are especially notable given that some 30 MDP members including President Roh have shown their opposition against the currently undergoing special investigation against money transmission to North Korea by the previous administration.

However, she added, “The issue has already passed the Assembly, so I am not in a position to say this kind of remarks. These are only my personal opinions, so please do not exaggerate them.”
