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Fire on Office of Society for History Textbook Reform in Japan

Fire on Office of Society for History Textbook Reform in Japan

Posted August. 09, 2001 08:29,   


A fire broke out in the building where the Society for History Textbook Reform has its office, Tokyo, 11:50 p.m. Aug. 7. The police investigation is on the way, highly suspecting an arson by antagonists against the Society`s activities.

The fire scorched the walls and the windows of the office but there was no casualties reported. The building owner extinguished the fire right away. The police collected a plastic bottle with gasoline, pumping machine, batteries, and ignition device around the spot. The fire broke out at the parking lot adjacent to the building and spread to the building.

The head of the Society said, ``it is hard to see that [the fire] has nothing to do with the adoption of the history textbook.``

Meanwhile, Nobel Prize winner for Literature Oe Kenzaburo strongly criticized the Tokyo`s education board that had adopted the distorted history textbook for the use of some high schools for the physically or mentally challenged, denouncing ``it`s a sniping shot at the meager who cannot protest.`` Mr. Oe`s son with an intellectual disorder once went to a special education facility.

He also charged that there is lack of consideration for the physically and mentally challenged. ``The adoption of the textbook by the Society is made by the common interests of the power holder and their followers. The Tokyo governor who are influencing on the adoption of the history textbook lack the international perspective.`` Mr. Oe said.

Shim Kyu-Sun ksshim@donga.com