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Attraction of data industrial complexes and companies to Chuncheon

Attraction of data industrial complexes and companies to Chuncheon

Posted March. 12, 2024 07:31,   

Updated March. 12, 2024 07:31


President Yoon Suk Yeol attended the public livelihood debate and the groundbreaking ceremony for the hydrothermal energy convergence cluster held in Gangwon on Monday. “We will invest 360 billion won in Chuncheon to establish a data industrial complex, laying the foundation to attract leading data companies," the president said during the event.

President Yoon stated at the ceremony held at the Bomnae Gymnasium in Chuncheon, Gangwon Province, “The hydrothermal energy cluster has the potential to significantly reduce data centers' power consumption by utilizing cold water from the Soyang River Dam as cooling water, thereby cutting operating costs and enhancing competitiveness.” “This project serves as a successful model, creating synergy between eco-friendly carbon-free energy technology and cutting-edge data technology,” the president said. “It will generate approximately 7,300 jobs, revitalizing the economy of Chuncheon and Gangwon.”

During the public livelihood debate at the Gangwon Provincial Office, President Yoon stressed, “Gangwon should fundamentally adopt the concept of 'data valley.'” He explained, “By harnessing the deep water of the Soyang River Dam in Chuncheon, we can cultivate a competitive data industry at a cost comparable to that of oil-producing countries.” The objective is to promptly implement the '333 Project,' aiming to reach 30,000 digital industry workers and 3,000 digital companies and achieve 300% sales growth.

Kwan-Seok Jang jks@donga.com