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N. Korean leader Kim Jong Un upgrades to new Maybach

Posted December. 12, 2023 08:34,   

Updated December. 12, 2023 08:34


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has been observed switching to a new Mercedes-Benz Maybach, valued at a minimum of 300 million won. Despite being a luxury brand and facing a UN Security Council export ban to North Korea, Chairman Kim has prominently used Mercedes vehicles in public events. The latest Mercedes-Benz, believed to be illicitly imported, was recently showcased publicly.

Kim's latest car was unveiled on Friday during a photo opportunity with attendees of the 5th National Conference of Mothers. Footage broadcast by Korean Central Television on Monday showed Chairman Kim exiting his private vehicle, which was adorned with the Maybach emblem, a high-end marque of the Mercedes-Benz, on the back. The model designation ‘S650’ was visible on the trunk.

The new model, released in 2019, starts at over 300 million won in South Korea, not accounting for extra features. Given Kim’s preference for customized, armored, and fire-resistant vehicles, its cost is likely much higher. Notably, during his September visit to Russia, Chairman Kim transported a Mercedes-Benz Maybach in his armored train 'Taeyangho,' though it lacked the now-present logo. "This is a new vehicle, not identified in earlier reports,” a South Korean government insider noted. “It appears that the personal vehicle was replaced later this year.”

Kyu-Jin Shin newjin@donga.com