U.S. President Donald Trump commented on the U.S. presidential election scheduled on Nov. 3, saying, “This will end up in the Supreme Court.” His message seemingly intends to make it clear that he will refuse to accept the result of the upcoming election if it ends up with his loss. This only makes it obvious why President Trump makes a hasty rush to nominate a replacement for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who just passed away.
Asked by a reporter in a press conference at the White House on Wednesday if possibilities of a court case regarding mail-in voting make it all the more urgent to nominate a ninth justice, President Trump answered, “This will end up in the Supreme Court. I think it's very important that we have nine justices.” He went on to say, “I think this scam that the Democrats are pulling — it's a scam — this scam will be before the United States Supreme Court, and I think having a 4-4 situation is not a good situation.” This implies that the president aims to expedite the nomination of the late Justice Ginsburg’s replacement because he thinks that the presidential election’s result will go to the Supreme Court.
As of now, the U.S. presidential election in 2000 is the nation's first and only case of its kind to end up in the Supreme Court. As the Supreme Court ruled against the Florida election recount by a five to four vote after the issue spurred controversy, the election concluded with the victory of the then Republican candidate George W. Bush.
If President Trump fills late Justice Ginsburg's seat with a conservative and this gets approval and ratification before November's presidential election, a successful nomination could guarantee conservatives a six-to-three majority. President Trump's nomination will be announced on Saturday.