“We come to build on a pool of knowledge that helps us see through every aspect of our lives and utilize ability to differentiate them. Becoming mid-aged enables us to accept who other people is as he or she is, not judging by his appearance but by his inner existence that shines with spirit.” by Ayako Sono
Everything takes time, which I have come to realize over time. More specifically, it is people whom I have met and spent time with throughout my lifetime. I learned how to express my emotions and opinions, whether it be positive or negative, and to understand how others feel. A long period of time has allowed me to figure out that as no one is perfect it is absurd to define what a successful life is like, so we have to accept others as they are.
Age of 50 is considered a period of physical and mental crisis. Women around 50 suffer menopausal symptoms, while men also go through changes in their health conditions and standards of their life. Getting aged could make people sad. As if that isn't bad enough, they could loe confidence and appetite for any joy and fun, driving themselves into a state of insecurity. This may make them wander in the middle of an excruciatingly chaotic life as if a computer system ran into the buffers.
Emptying my mind has made my eyes open to values that only those in midlife can appreciate. As I have let go of trivial stuff and parts of my value system, everything turns fresh and fills in my mid. In particular, one of the biggest joy is to get touched by nature and relationships.
By being in midlife, people come to understand that everyone is just human, thus making it meaningless to differentiate good and bad. Perfection is only an illusion. Every person has their own mind, habits and values. Once looking deeper into what has brought someone into a certain situation, we find it not easy to compliment or blame him or her. This can get us confused to some degree, but merely tweaking our mind can make it acceptable, which is one of advantages that we can have as we get old.