“I’ll publish a book in French about the history of Korean art from the pre-historic to modern times to promote Korean culture in France.”
Art historian and Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) professor Choi Oak-kyung won the 2017 Korean-French Culture Award held Monday at French Embassy in Korea.
The 2017 Korean-French Culture Award, which is granted annually to individuals and organizations for promoting Korean culture in France, went this year to professor Choi and two other organizations including Coree d'ici Festival in Montpellier, France and Festival des 3 continents in Nantes.
Professor Choi is a representative Korean art historian in France who teaches history of Korean art to French university students. She promotes works of Korean modern artists including Lee Woo-hwan, and published a book in France introducing the beauty of Seokguram Grotto and Bulguksa Temple. “There are still very few books in France about the history of Korean art,” said Choi. “I’m planning to hold international academic seminars on history of Korean art with other art historians in France and publish books.”
Coree d'ici Festival is held every November in the southern city of Montpellier, France. The festival was established with the lead of dancer Nam Young-ho. It has been promoting a wide range of Korean culture, including performances, dances, arts and Korean pop music to southern part of France and the Mediterranean areas.
Festival des 3 continent is a representative Asian film festival in France. It promoted Korean movies for the first time in France by screening Korean movie series in 1986. Last year, it held a retrospective exhibit of Korean director Shin Sang-oak.
Jung-Min Dong ditto@donga.com